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Sky Computing: Unleashing the Cloud's Full Potential

Cover Image for Sky Computing: Unleashing the Cloud's Full Potential
Harshit Singhai
Harshit Singhai

According to distinguished computer science professors at UC Berkeley, Ion Stoica and Scott Shenker, sky computing promises to revolutionize the cloud landscape by enabling seamless interoperability between cloud platforms. In this article, we delve into the concept of sky computing, explore its potential benefits for developers, and ponder the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

As the name suggests, sky computing operates as a layer above existing cloud platforms, with the lofty goal of harmonizing clouds and promoting interoperability. No longer confined by vendor lock-ins, developers can unlock the true potential of multicloud application development.

Going forward, I think there will be a lot of innovation, because abstracting away the clouds β€” given the myriad of services they provide β€” is not going to be easy. --Ion Stoica

The Need for Sky Computing

While the current industry buzzword "multicloud" offers some relief from single-cloud dependence, sky computing takes it to the next level. It allows developers to handpick the most suitable cloud for each task, optimizing costs and processing times. Especially for computation-intensive workloads like machine learning, where moving jobs to faster and cheaper clouds makes perfect sense, sky computing opens up a world of possibilities.

Breaking Down Sky Computing

Sky computing is made up of three layers: compatibility, intercloud, and peering.

  1. The compatibility layer masks low-level technical differences, simplifying the process of moving applications across clouds.
  2. The intercloud layer takes it up a notch, allowing applications to run on multiple cloud providers based on user preferences, whether to minimize costs, processing times, or process data locally.
  3. The peering layer facilitates cloud-to-cloud agreements, fostering a harmonious cloud ecosystem similar to the design principles of the internet.

The Big Players' Dilemma

As sky computing places multicloud as a top priority, cloud giants like AWS, Microsoft, and Google face a pivotal challenge. While they might view it as a commoditization of their core cloud platforms, there's an undeniable opportunity to expand their software-as-a-service offerings. However, whether they embrace the change or resist it remains to be seen.

Sky computing potentially expands the software-as-a-service businesses of cloud providers.

A Breeding Ground for Innovation

Innovation will be the driving force behind the success of sky computing. Similar to how Docker and Kubernetes revolutionized cloud management, sky computing opens doors for creative solutions. Startups will thrive as they simplify cloud complexities, establish uniform service APIs, and address data movement and security intricacies.


With visionaries like Ion Stoica and Scott Shenker paving the way, utility computing might finally become a reality.

Sky computing potentially expands the software-as-a-service businesses of cloud providers.

This introductory article merely scratches the surface of Sky Computing's potential. In future posts, we will delve into more advanced details and provide in-depth explanations.